Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will to Awareness

So here are some starting points:

● Every organism, with its unique cognitive abilities, has a distinct perception of the universe; lives a singular, subjective reality.
● By the laws of reproduction and death, natural selection yields organisms with increasing cognizance of the universe, and so, through evolving lifeforms, life garners awareness and consciousness unfolds.
● Every living being is a shot at perceiving, conceiving the cosmos.
● Brain and body (central (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral (body) nervous systems) are the instrument by which consciousness takes form and perceives the cosmos.
● There is no objective reality; all reality is subjective; there are numerous realities. What we call objectivity is nothing more than the intersubjective agreement of the species, the operational plane of reality of the lifeform.
● If there is no objective reality, no existence outside experience, perception is creation.
● The phenomenon of Life is the Will to Awareness; the cosmos conceiving itself.

So what?

Cosmic Ethics

Order :

Life (Awareness)> - -

- - - - - <Death


love, learn, teach, read, share, think

lie, cheat, censor, impose, murder


love, nurture, provide, educate, sex

lust, jealousy, hurting children, murder


love, eat, drink, sleep, work

gluttony, greed, suicide, murder

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